Natural Immune Therapies
In my 30 years of practice, I have come to rely on specific diagnostic tools and therapies that provide invaluable information about the status of the immune system and its gradual progress towards health and balance.
These are essential in the treatment of immune disorders and give us a window view of how much progress is being made during a course of natural treatment.
For more information or to schedule your initial evaluation with our office, please contact us.
The dependence of immunity on the movement of body fluids is critical. Congestion, sluggishness, blockages all can prevent cells, toxins and nutrients from reaching target tissues. One of the most important aspects of restoring immune regulation is to clear pathways of movement and elimination so body fluids flow freely from cell to cell, from blood to lymph and from organs out of the body.
You can call our Reception Desk at (617) 505-3585
Thermography Scan showing breast blockages and compensating pathways that are over-used.
European Regulation Thermography
One of the best ways for us to identify patterns and pathways of dysregulation is through this highly sensitive scan of the body using a heat-sensitive probe. Developed in Germany it allows us to not only see these patterns that are below the surface, but it also evaluates gut dysbiosis, global immune system stress, unresolved viral presence, bacterial overgrowth and many more core issues that illuminate the health of the immune system.
We recommend this test at the beginning of treatment and then at periodic intervals so that your progress can be assessed.
European Decongestive Lymph Therapy
The most important of the body fluids involved in immunity is the Lymphatic system. This delicate system of channels just beneath the surface of the skin has been known for centuries, but it wasn't until Dr. Emil Vodder's work with manual techniques of lymph movement, that people began to understand the role lymph plays in health. Vodder's "lymphology" was ground-breaking work with lymphedema.
Now from Switzerland, delicate machines of fiber-optic cables and glass cups, take the Vodder approach into quantum biology with combinations of light, vibration, energetically-activated clays and suction, to rhythmically cleanse and decongest the lymphatic system. This acts to mobilize toxins, drain body fluids and increase circulation from cells to tissues to pathways of elimination. This clears the way for immune cells to reach all target tissues in the body.
Sessions are designed to open pathways, lymph channels, decongest lymph nodes and promote fluid exchange for every tissue in the body. This is done with clays and essential oils that target the dominant Chinese element of the patient and the affecting element of the season at hand which will also reduce symptoms associated with an imbalance in the Chinese elements.
Some of our sessions involve Infrared Sauna technology and home care packages for continued lymphatic decongestion.
Cold Laser Neural Therapy
There is nothing that has come so far since it’s introduction in the 1970’s for pain, edema and inflammation. Now Cold Laser Therapy has evolved into a programmable hand-held application that uses varying light frequencies of red light and infrared light with more modulation and power to address hundreds of conditions including neurological conditions, emotional challenges, physical injury, viral, fungal and bacterial infections, joint problems, inflammation, pain and multiple symptoms of illness.
With settings for detoxification, lymphatic decongestion, circulation and cellular rejuvenation, this is the unique therapy for every patient. Patients can feel results in as few as three sessions.