The Progression of Illness
Disease and illness begin with the failure of the immune system to perform its duties efficiently. This will happen for many reasons but a few that are notable are:
Exposure to bacterial or viral pathogens.
Exposure to toxins, chemicals, environmental pollutants, both in an acute instance and at a lower level over time.
Excessive levels of normal metabolic toxins that your body creates.
Multiple challenges to the immune system within a period of time.
Suppression of the immune system or suppression of normal body functions.
Severe injury that is not fully resolved.
Rapid degeneration of essential aspects of immunity.
Inability of the body to remove or excrete a waste product.
Long-term pharmaceutical use which interferes with normal body function.
“Bacterial infections differ from viral infections in that bacteria do not need to disrupt the cells around them in order to multiply and cause infection. Viruses require the cellular machinery of their host in order to replicate. This means that viruses are much more deeply embedded in cells and tissues making it virtually impossible to remove all of a virus from the body. This is how viral infections can recur whenever our immunity is compromised.”
As your immune system attempts to handle toxic accumulation in the body,
it will progress through six phases.
The humoral phases can occur without disturbing the workings of the cellular tissue and the immune system continues working to excrete the toxins via the normal pathways of elimination of the body.
In the matrix phases the level of toxins will force deposition into the extracellular matrix which interferes with nutrition, oxygen and chemical signals reaching the cell while preventing the waste material leaving the cell. When this continues over time the cellular structure and functions are gradually changed because of the infiltration of the toxins into the tissues creating damage and stress to cells and the body.
The cellular phases are when cellular structures and functions are being destroyed by the toxic accumulation enmeshed in the matrix. The immune system no longer has the resources or strength to excrete toxins from the tissues because the toxic load is too enmeshed in the cellular matrix to be removed.
This is when the affected tissues become blocked,
separated from the normal mechanisms of the body.
This is dysregulation.
Excretion Phase
At first your immune system will attempt to eliminate toxins and step up mucous levels, urination, bowel function and sweat. You would experience typical symptoms of a cold, 24 hour flu, soreness of a ligament or muscle, cough, fatigue. In this phase, the immune system is doing exactly what it is supposed to do to deal with the level of challenge the body has.
Inflammation Phase
If the excretion phase goes too long, is overwhelmed by the volume of toxins present or is not effective at eliminating the toxic load, then inflammation will take place. The purpose of inflammation is to quickly increase the level of elimination to empty the area of toxic accumulation.
Deposition Phase
In this phase the pathways of elimination and the functions that aid elimination are overworked, allowing toxins to be deposited in the matrix between cells. There will be few symptoms during this phase tricking you into thinking that the “illness” has resolved.
Now the Biological Division occurs. This is the start of Autoimmune Disease
This is the point where depositing of toxins becomes saturation of toxins with integration into the cellular structures. Toxins can still be eliminated, but there are changes that occur to the structure and function of the affected tissues.
Impregnation Phase
During this phase toxins which have been deposited start to become an actual part of the connective tissue and the matrix. There will be changes in the structure and function of cells resulting in new and more severe symptoms due to the damage to cells. The type and location of symptoms will point towards the cellular areas that have sustained this type of damage.
Degeneration Phase
During this phase the illness becomes a disease and serious damage to cells begins to occur. This starts to cause a cascade of destructive effects to larger areas of tissue, organs, glands and structures that are dependent on the original cell disease areas.
Dedifferentiation Phase
This is where cells degenerate and regress to undifferentiated states. Cells no longer maintain an identity nor function according to their DNA. Blocked areas now create the source for these “out of control” cells which are multiplying at a rapid rate without the controlling factor of the immune system. They are operating outside of the body’s normal range.
This is the beginning of malignancy.
Symptoms and Illness
The symptoms that you have and the “diseases” you exhibit can tell you where in the progression of illness you are. It is this unresolved progression that creates autoimmune disease.
Once symptoms have progressed past the Biological Division then the first step will always be Lymph Therapy. Lymph is the fluid that flows in and out between cells bringing nutrition, oxygen and immunity while taking away toxins and debris. Blood stays within the blood vessels and elements move out of the blood through lymph (which is also the plasma of the blood).
In this way, lymph is the most important fluid for stimulating the “unburdening” process essential to balance the immune system and restore regulation to the body tissues so that they can function appropriately. Learn more about Lymph Therapy by clicking here.