Can We Talk About Cancer?
One of the difficult things about cancer is the stress and it begins with the moment of diagnosis. In conventional medicine the diagnosis is usually followed by immediate scheduling of whatever procedure is the usual first step, whether chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.
What is not provided is help with processing the very shock of realizing you have cancer and then trying to digest how to fit in the recommended treatment with your life.
So let’s begin with providing some breathing space…
Don’t try to ask questions immediately and don’t agree to any scheduling of a procedure until you are ready to do so. This may require some time, some thought, some crying. But don’t allow yourself to be rushed. Go home, rest, talk with someone you love and trust and think about what this all means for your responsibilities, your work, your family, your commitments. One of the main stresses about cancer is the worry of how it will affect those around you and what it means for your work, your finances and your future.
When you are ready (without procrastinating or running away) make an appointment to discuss your options with your doctor or to see an oncologist. Make a list of questions that come to mind and ask how you can ask questions after the appointment as you have them.
This is not about surrendering your body to the “inevitable”. This is about listening to your body and working with it to restore your health and your balance.
Cancer is a condition that develops over time, often a long period of time from cells that are unhealthy. All of us, all of the time, have cells that are reproducing inappropriately, creating unhealthy cells that are mutated, that are different from the parent cells and from your genetic blueprint.
These unhealthy cells should be immediately swept up and eliminated by your immune system but what if your immune system is busy? What if it is suppressed by stress or you already have a chronic illness that is using all of its resources? Then what?
Then the unhealthy cells are left to their own devices, growing, reproducing and accessing nutrients by infiltrating your blood vessels, sneaky little things! The more this continues unchecked, the more compressed they become and eventually a tumor will form. The presence of these cells and the emerging tumor damages neighboring healthy tissues and causes symptoms. But look how long it is before symptoms begin! You would be completely unaware.
The place where the cells reside is the key to understanding the cancer you are developing. How do we prevent the creation of unhealthy cells in the first place?
Actual cancer cells image
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Can Cancer Be Cured?
The short answer is no. But the long answer is that you can change the direction of this disease and you can work to prevent recurrence.
Natural medicine offers nutritional formulas, herbs, homeopathic remedies and therapies that support your body taking control of the situation and working to overcome the damage that cancer can do. But this does not happen quickly … which means that if your cancer is advanced or if it is something that progresses rapidly, then you need time.
Conventional medicine buys you that time and can even eradicate layers of the cancerous cells, both of which can be life-saving.
Natural medicine works supportively over the long haul and well into the future to help redress the root causes and cofactors mentioned in the chart above.
Why is the question that cancer patients are left pondering throughout their cancer experience and it is a question that is always left unanswered. The answer is back in your past and taking a trip there is the best place to look for your why …
Physical injury - many cancer cells develop as the result of injury and will start in the location of the injury.
Toxin exposure and accumulation - our body is designed to eliminate poisons and toxins but many things may be too difficult to remove. This would include tobacco, plastics, chemicals or venoms.
Chronic deficiencies of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which leave our bodies unprotected and unsupported.
Chronic illness - many chronic illnesses such as diabetes, viral infections and especially immunodeficiency/autoimmune disorders can cause defects and mutations in natural body tissue.
Chronic stress not only because of how it exhausts the body but it also causes an impairment of the immune system response.
Poor Lymphatic drainage - this cannot be underestimated because of its essential function in mobilizing and moving immune cells and removing toxins from cells. This is why sedentary or bedridden people are more prone to all illness and especially cancer.
Chronic inflammation - this is a real problem as so many people suffer from chronic inflammation. This not only damages tissue and promotes mutations but it burdens and weakens the immune system.