Your Thermography Report Explained
Understanding Your Report
Now that you have had a Thermography Report you will see that there are multiple pages of individual information for you.
Main Page: here you will find a listing by body area of all the concerns that were determined by the scan. At the bottom of the page you will see a list of Priorities. These are the six main concerns to focus on with recommended conventional medical testing options that you can discuss with your physician.
Page 2: this is a visual imaging of areas of suspicion where regulation seems to be lacking. The image on the left is your normal regulation while the image on the right is what happens when the body is exposed to stress (in this case a temperature shift).
Page 3: this shows you all of the concerns that are evaluated for each area of the body including optimal aspects of no concern. The bottom of the page has a chart of Chaotic Regulation which shows you which areas have the most disrupted regulation (over 1.0 differential).
Page 4: this is the dental page which evaluates the meridians that connect to each tooth and the overall toxic load of each quadrant of the jaw.
Page 5: this is the breast/prostate evaluation page. For men, this will provide a prostate regulation assessment including hypertrophy, while for women there is a comprehensive breast assessment including the effect other body functions have on the breast tissue. The image on the left is pre-stress normal regulation while the right is after stress.
Page 6: This is a technical graph of the points measured in the testing. It shows two measurements for each meridian point and this information is what creates the indicated concerns noted in your scan.
The Perfect Dental Remedy Kit
Over the years we have created a kit for all dental concerns noted in your scan. Since every tooth is connected to a meridian that influences body organs and glands, it is essential to improve not just the teeth, but the gum structure and the energy of the meridian itself.
Each morning and evening take the following and then wait 15 minutes before eating anything or brushing your teeth:
10 drops under the tongue of each of the following -
Gum Therapy helps with gum symptoms such as gingivitis, inflamed and bleeding gums and minor pain.
Ora-Tox reduces heavy metals in the mouth.
Oral Health is for mouth symptoms such as a cavitation, delayed dentition, dry mouth, painful eating, eruptions on tongue and inner cheeks and tooth sensitivity.
Chew 1 wafer each of Dento-Gums and BioProENT before breakfast and before bed in a clean mouth to improve probiotic flora in the mouth and throat.
Take one tablet with breakfast and dinner of Parotid PMG. This supports the immune function of the parotid glands in the oral cavity.
Dental-Tox – One day each week take 2 full droppers in a few ounces of warm water 6 times daily for maximum and complete detoxification of released materials and pathogens.
What does it all mean?
There is quite a bit of information here that is gathered together into patterns of cellular and tissue behavior. A healthy tissue should still respond within normal parameters when a small stress such as a temperature change is applied. The deviation from that is what allows for the concerns and priorities listed here.
Recommendations From Your Scan
As you review your scan I have provided here some great first steps for the most common concerns that appear on scans. Any of these may already be recommended in your Client Report or can be added at any point to increase your results.
Lymph System Blockade
This essential fluid pathway requires Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy plus some essential remedies in order to relieve the blockage noted.
Any “Blocks” or Global Immune Stress
One of the most effective remedies we provide are wonderful essential oil Phyt’Ethers organically created in Switzerland to balance each of the 5 Elements in the physical and ethereal bodies. Simply apply the bottle of your element to the skin above the area of blockage noted in your scan. If you are using this for Global Immune Stress then apply it over the heart, front and back of the neck and on the forehead using the oil for the season at hand. If you are unaware of your element, click on the button to the right.
Drainage Milieu is the best remedy if you have multiple blocked areas. Clear all the mesenchymal and cellular matrix spaces with Drainage Milieu.
Heart’s Song is to relieve congestion and blockages due to emotional trauma or trans - generational trauma.
Toxicity Index Elevated
This comprehensive detoxification kit from Desbio contains six compounded remedies that work to detoxify the brain and nervous system, the interstitial matrix, liver, kidneys, bladder, immune and lymphatic systems. A simple 60 day reset that provides remarkable results.
Remedy Solutions for “Blocks”
You will notice in your thermography some areas that appear black. These are areas that are “blocked” energetically. This means that the terrain (milieu) of a particular area does not receive sufficient and effective fluid cleansing.
There are a group of homeopathic blends that include Bach Flower remedies, mitochondrial cellular support and are tuned to each drainage system. In this way you can address individual blocked areas including the Adrenal glands, the Gallbladder, the Kidneys and the Liver.
Remedies for Breast Tissue Improvement
After many years, many women and many breasts, we have put together the best remedies for improving the breast tissue, reducing cysts, congestion and stagnation. Even the texture and softness of the breasts can change!
Decongestive Lymphatic Drainage - this is the essential therapy for the breast tissue and should be done weekly at first in order to truly clear the pathways for fluid movement through the breasts.
Breast Health Protocol: Take the following remedy protocol for 2-3 months -
Complete breast cell health and immunity - Mammary PMG, Simply Mammary
Nutritional Detoxifiers - Parotid PMG, Cruciferous Complete
Reduce and prevent cysts and scar tissue - Gotu Kola Complex
Metabolic support for associated tissues - Utrophin PMG, Metabolic Thyroid
Breast tissue integrity - Liposomal Collagen
The Very Best Remedy for Autoimmune Diseases and
Chronic Illness
MAF (macrophage activating factor) by Saisei of Japan is a remedy that has been clinically studied for years. It is the core of many of our immune protocols.